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Samsung Develops Marathon Fuel Cell

Samsung expects to release the new fuel cell for mass production by the end of ...

New Wiki Search Engine Underway

Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales writes on the Wikia Web site: “Social change has accelerated beyond ...

Gartner Predicts the Blogosphere’s Future

December 15, 2006 11:00AM Digg It! Bookmark to Gartner’s new report about blogging predicts ...

Microsoft’s Open XML Now a Standard

December 8, 2006 9:54AM Digg It! Bookmark to Microsoft has been pushing hard to ...

An E-Mail Registry for Sex Offenders?

December 8, 2006 12:02PM Digg It! Bookmark to News of a new bill — ...

ICANN Rejects ‘.travel’ Search Plan

December 1, 2006 7:52AM Digg It! Bookmark to As proposed by Tralliance, users who ...

Spam Levels Up by 80 Percent

As vendors come up with new techniques, spammers do, too. Image spam began popping up ...

Microsoft and Novell Enter Landmark Linux Partnership

The new deal between Microsoft and Novell is being hailed as a historic agreement that ... a Thorn in Russian Trade Talks

The controversy over threatens to be a stumbling block in one of post-Soviet Russia’s ...

Open Source Unlocks Options for SMBs

“There is definitely more interest among SMBs in Linux and other open source solutions,” says ...