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VoIP Services Enabling Video Calls

SightSpeed figures that as long as it can get people to try out its free ...

Red Hat Readies for Government Scrutiny

Red Hat has submitted its upcoming release of Enterprise Linux for the Defense Department’s Common ...

Microsoft Writes a New Chapter with Online Book Search

October 28, 2005 10:35AM Digg It! Bookmark to Microsoft and its partners are at ...

What’s Slowing Down Your PC?

October 27, 2005 7:30AM Digg It! Bookmark to “Computer slowdown is caused by many ...

Gamer Pays $100,000 for Virtual Property

A gamer has paid $100,000 for a virtual space resort in the massive multiplayer online ...

Open Source Is Alive and Well with Commercial Developers

The appeal of open source to software developers is that it allows them to improve, ...

Amazon Rain Forest Shrinking Twice as Quickly as Previously Estimated

Ecologists and Brazilian officials long have known that illegal selective logging occurs, says Dr. Asner, ...

Microsoft, Nigeria Join Forces Against Cybercrime

Microsoft is lending its I.T. expertise to the government of Nigeria in a joint effort ... 2.0 Release Delayed

October 13, 2005 10:02AM Digg It! Bookmark to According to a blog posting on ...

Report Warned of FEMA I.T. Problems in Wake of 2004 Hurricanes

Faulty federal computer networks may have been partly to blame for the government’s lackadaisical response ...