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Spyware Worm Targets Gamers, Yahoo Users

“We have seen a large increase in these types of Trojans targeting online gamers, as ...

Broadband Rulings Draw User Concerns

Rulings by the FCC and the Supreme Court that DSL and cable modem services are ...

New York Courts Find Security in IP Video

For the court’s I.T. group, high-bandwidth video is just another stream on an IP network ...

Get Ready for Firefox 1.5

The next version of the popular Firefox Web browser has undergone a name change to ...

Getting the Most from Your I.T. Training Dollars

I.T. training budgets are making a resurgence, and I.T. departments are looking for the best ...

Fox Backs Blu-ray Next-Gen DVD Format

Yankee Group analyst Nitin Gupta suggested that surveys can be skewed by any company to ...

Senate Committee Meets To Consider File-Sharing Legislation

July 29, 2005 11:50AM Digg It! Bookmark to Forrester analyst Josh Bernoff believes that ...

Kenosha Finds Big Savings in Linux

Kenosha, a city of about 100,000, was on the bleeding edge when it began deploying ...

Optimus Reconceives the Keyboard

July 27, 2005 5:50PM Because the Optimus keyboard provides visual feedback, it has the potential ...

Wi-Fi Networks Under Attack

If a squatter moved in next door, and ran electrical extension cords from his living ...