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OpenSocial Faces Off with Facebook

December 14, 2007 11:13AM Facebook’s announcement that it would license its platform has renewed speculation ... Gives Privacy Control to Users

December 11, 2007 8:58AM Following news that has introduced a new tool, called AskEraser, ...

Verizon Wireless Readies 4G Network

November 30, 2007 8:45AM Digg It! Bookmark to Following news that Verizon will use ...

Google’s Storage Plans Raise Plenty of Concerns

Google maps, Google search, Google mail, and next it seems will be Google storage, although ...

U.N. Web Forum Takes on Cybercrime

November 15, 2007 7:36AM Digg It! Bookmark to The four-day U.N.-sponsored forum, which ends ...

MySpace Still Denies Security Holes

Following widespread reports that the MySpace pages of music bands are regularly being infected with ...

Study: Online Games More Captivating

October 18, 2007 7:44AM Digg It! Bookmark to Joshua Smyth, a Syracuse University psychology ...

Did China’s Great Firewall Cause Web Outage?, a group in opposition to China’s censorship that monitor’s the nation’s Internet goings on, ...

XO Laptop Promo: Overwhelmed by Demand?

The OLPC’s give-one-get-one strategy to promote XO laptops comes as OLPC founder Nicholas Negroponte’s main ...

XO Laptop Promo: Overwhelmed by Demand?

September 25, 2007 10:06AM The OLPC’s give-one-get-one strategy to promote XO laptops comes as OLPC ...