Latest From Mark McDonnell
Monitoring Employee Communications in the Enterprise
The rationale behind monitoring employees is that a computer at work is a corporate tool for enhancing the employee’s productivity. Because some people abuse that privilege by sending personal e-mail and viewing ...
Is It Time To Say Goodbye to Paper Money?
January 30, 2006 7:00AM Digg It! Bookmark to Creating a cashless society in the U.S. with either mobile phones or smart cards would require enormous effort by players in several industries, ...
Strength in Numbers: Taking the Right Angle on Grid Computing
To many people, grid computing remains an alien concept. Perhaps the most widely known example of this technology is the SETI@home project, established in 1999 as a global grid-computing effort to detect ...
Online Music Wars Take New Turn
“The manner in which the industry has reacted to technological change in the past seven years shows that the people running these companies clearly have their heads in the sand, and some ...
Australians Blocked from Kazaa P2P Client Downloads
Industry experts are watching the Kazaa case in Australia because it marks the first time that the major recording labels have gone on the attack against piracy outside of the United States. ...
Google-AOL Deal: What Would It Bring?
Although there has been concern voiced about the Google-AOL deal, some analysts have noted that it is very likely the partnership will, in fact, be forged and that changes for users will ...
Putting Open Source to the Test
Microsoft officials said they support open standards and open source but are disappointed that the state accepted Adobe Systems’ PDF product for office applications, yet rejected Microsoft’s OpenOffice XML, a perpetual, royalty-free ...
VoIP Services Enabling Video Calls
SightSpeed figures that as long as it can get people to try out its free product, they’ll become hooked on its superior technology and eventually trade up to a paid premium service. ...
Researcher Questions Innovation of Open-Source Software
Although Krzysztof Klincewicz, a researcher at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, attempted to define “innovation,” his argument that open-source projects should be promoted more extensively requires more examination, said IDC analyst Dan ...
Amazon Rain Forest Shrinking Twice as Quickly as Previously Estimated
Ecologists and Brazilian officials long have known that illegal selective logging occurs, says Dr. Asner, a researcher at the Carnegie Institution’s Department of Global Ecology, based at Stanford University in Palo Alto, ...