Latest From Michael Smith
Xbox Series X 2024: Price, Features, And Availability
Xbox series X is getting a makeover along with the series S this holiday season. So if you are looking for the best gift for your gamer partner or a child who ...
Cyber Criminals Aiding Russia & China In Targeting The US, Microsoft Says
Cyber crimes have been a great concern in the recent days. Like two sides of a coin, the emergence and development of science and technology not only led to the enhancement of ...
Hackers Use New Linux FASTCash Malware To Attack ATM Payment Switches
A new type of transaction fraud has been noticed at the ATMs using a Linex variant. The attack was carried out by North Korean threat actors who used a new Linux variant ...
SpaceX Caught The Starship Rocket Booster In Mid-Air With ‘Chopsticks’!
Humankind is known for its innovations and it is inevitable to build a good place and convert it into a better place. Space technology is a field where human findings are at ...
Gmail’s AI Hack Scare: Security Warning For 2.5 Billion Users
Phishing attacks are one of the oldest tricks in an attacker’s handbook that has proven effective time after time. We usually consider that these attacks would only work on uninformed, or not-too-educated ...
Nintendo’s Alarmo: Essential Features And Launch Details
Nintendo always amuses us with its innovative adaptations and manufacturing. It is one of the oldest home entertainment development companies in the world. Nintendo is famous for its top-tier video game franchise ...
Google’s ‘Head of Mindfulness’ Speaks Out
May 18, 2014 7:27AM A growing awareness of the importance of our emotional fitness is mirroring the same journey of acceptance that physical exercise took in the last century, says Chade-Meng Tan, ...
Users Say Firefox 29 Not So Great
Firefox 29 users are not at all happy with the updated browser they say Mozilla has forced on them. What Firefox users want — and what they are used to — is ...
Yahoo Mail Hacked, User Passwords Stolen
January 31, 2014 10:03AM Yahoo said it regrets that Yahoo Mail has been hacked and wants to assure Yahoo Mail users that the company takes the security of consumer data very seriously. ...
Sorry Apple: Judge Refuses U.S. Sales Ban on Samsung Devices
March 6, 2014 10:33AM “To persuade the court to grant Apple such an extraordinary injunction — to bar such complex devices for incorporating three touchscreen software features — Apple bears the burden ...