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Android 2.2 Froyo May Finally Outdo Apple’s iPhone

Google’s Froyo, or Android 2.2, offers so much that analysts think it may finally overtake ...

Brand-New IE8 Draws Howls From Users About Problems

March 20, 2009 2:15PM Microsoft’s final release of Internet Explorer 8 may not be so ...

Microsoft, Nigeria Join Forces Against Cybercrime

Microsoft is lending its I.T. expertise to the government of Nigeria in a joint effort ...

Linux: A New Kind of Service-Oriented Architecture

September 22, 2005 7:50AM Digg It! Bookmark to No one should confuse IBM or ...

Rackspace Survey: Linux vs. Windows

August 27, 2005 12:50PM Digg It! Bookmark to “Linux use doesn’t go beyond file ...

Getting the Most from Your I.T. Training Dollars

I.T. training budgets are making a resurgence, and I.T. departments are looking for the best ...

Microsoft Bangs the Privacy DRM

Microsoft has detailed its forthcoming privacy and security plans, which include enhancements to Internet Explorer ...