Meta social media platforms underwent a global outage on Wednesday, leading to issues like inaccessibility, slow loading, and commenting problems. Millions of users from the United States, India, and other countries experienced this disruption, which seriously affected their social media browsing. Major Meta platforms like Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Threads all suffered this recent outage, and some services are still waiting for their full recovery. Meta hasn’t made any comments regarding the approximate recovery time.
An Anonymous Outage Hits Meta!
Meta is the tech tycoon in the world which possess the ownership of major social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Threads. The meta platforms experienced an outage on Wednesday which led to major issues. The platforms are making signs of progress and almost recovered from the outage. The outage reportedly started at 12:50 ET on Wednesday and a large number of inaccessibility issues have been reported since then. According to the latest reports, more than 1,00,000 service disruption issues with Facebook, and nearly 70,000 were reported with Instagram. This data is based on the user-submitted reports and the numbers mentioned here can vary.
The latest reports confirm that the outage reportedly affected users in multiple ways. Some users have faced slow loading times and were unable to post content on Facebook. Meta users complained that they were constantly getting error messages and the features like stories and messages were not properly working. These issues seem to be back to normal and Meta successfully resolved the issues. According to the latest available information, the outage was not limited to the Meta platform’s in-app features and messaging, but it affected Facebook’s login with Facebook service.
The potential reason for this outage is still unknown and the officials of Meta platforms haven’t made any official comment on this issue. The tech experts believe that it might be a single point of failure. Meta acknowledged this issue and shared some updates via their official X post.
In the initial phase of the outage, Meta came up with an X-post, the tweet says,
“We’re working to get things back to normal as quickly as possible and apologize for any inconvenience.”
Meta shared another tweet at 07:21 ET by confirming that they have resolved 99% of the issues and they showed their gratitude for the cooperation of users.
“Thanks for bearing with us! We’re 99% of the way there – just doing some last checks. We apologize to those who’ve been affected by the outage,”
Are Facebook and Instagram the most affected?
Facebook and Instagram seem to be the most affected Meta platforms in the recent outage. The number of reported problems shows that the recent outage was not a minimal one and it was spread with serious impact in multiple countries. Meta users from the United States of America registered around 1,00,000 problems related to Facebook and its services. In those statistics, Instagram was the one that was the second most seriously affected in the outage. Around 72,000 reports of problems were raised during that time. The number showed a decreasing pattern after a certain period and reduced to 1000 reports at 6 PM ET.
The outage led to the compromise of both Facebook and Instagram services. These two applications remain the most seriously affected by the outage and people were disappointed due to this server issue. Meta needs to take serious action and remedy programs to eradicate all the possible outages that might have appeared in the future. Instagram and Facebook suffered another technical issue and outage earlier this year. In March 2024, Instagram and Facebook servers were down and users across the world faced so many problems due to technical glitches. Later this issue was solved within one hour and went back to the normal social media browsing services.
The recent outage is the second one this year and Meta must come up with an action plan that helps to reduce the technical issues of their platforms. Two of the most popular social networking sites worldwide are Facebook and Instagram. So, any technical glitch will affect a large audience and will lead to the loss of the credibility of Meta platforms.
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Looking Ahead to a Future Without Outages!
Meta platforms have a huge user following and so many people and businesses are relying on them to engage in multiple activities. Meta platform services offer numerous possibilities to users like contacting customers online, Marketplace, etc. so this unparalleled dependency on Meta social media platforms is a 21st-century necessity. That is why Meta needs to be extra vigilant and try to avoid all the technical issues in the future. We can hope for an explanation from Meta regarding this latest outage and a convincing explanation for it.
Addressing these issues will not create an optimal social media browsing service in the future, but serious discussions and strategic planning will. Meta will most likely come up with a solution for these frequent technical glitches in the future.