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Apple, Intel Rumored To Be in Talks

Apple Computer Inc.”s computers could eventually be outfitted with chips from Intel Corp., according to reports.The two companies are reportedly in talks that, if fruitful, could result in Apple joining old nemesis Microsoft Corp. in using Intel”s computer chips.

According to some sources, Apple and Intel have had on-and-off talks for years, but the rumor mill is apparently picking up steam.

However, some have suggested that Apple could be talking to Intel as a way to enhance its bargaining power with IBM Corp., the current supplier of its chips.

A deal with Intel, said one report, could possibly result in Apple computers being sold at less expensive prices, which would better position them alongside the traditionally cheaper computers using Microsoft”s operating systems.

A deal would also provide Apple with a steady supply of chips, an improvement over its present situation where IBM has at times been unable to keep up with Apple”s demands for processors.

Intel refused to comment on the reported talks, arguing that it does not comment on speculation or rumor.


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