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Quantum Computing: Why We Need It? 

Quantum Computing

Quantum computers are machines that can process complex computational problems that traditional computers cannot attempt. While the performance of today’s topical desktop is measured in gigaflops (billions of floating-point operations), the processing power of quantum computers would equal teraflops (trillions of floating operations) per second. So, it is not surprising that a lot of resources are being spent on quantum computing. 

However, quantum computing systems are not intended or capable of doing everyday tasks you can do on your conventional computers. Then what is the need for quantum computing? This article aims to answer this question and delve into the important roles quantum computing can play in shaping the future. 

Quantum Computing 

Quantum Computing and its needs

Quantum Computing is a novel technology that is being developed. It utilizes the unique behaviors of quantum particles to solve computational problems that the existing computational technology cannot comprehend. 

Quantum computing utilizes the four key principles of quantum technology, such as superposition, entanglement, decoherence, and interference. Utilizing these quantum technology disciplines, a quantum computer can solve complex problems that may take a classic computer thousands of years within a matter of minutes or less. 

A classical computer relies on binary bits (zeros and ones) to store and process information. Whereas a quantum computer uses quantum bits or qubits in superposition. Meaning that it can be a zero or a one, and even a weighted combination of both zero and one at the same time. This allows quantum computers to encode more data than a classic computer can at a time. 

So, as we are reaching the material limit of the scalability we can bring to the superconductors used in classical computers, quantum computing can become a step forward in the coming years. 

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What is the Importance of Quantum Computing?

With its massive computational powers that surpass the most modern supercomputers available today by light years, the technology has a promising future in revolutionizing various industries and disciplines. Some of the verticals that can benefit from the inclusion of quantum computing include machine learning, artificial intelligence, cryptography, finance, medicine, and more. 

Various tech giants including Microsoft and Google are pumping large investments into the R&D of developing quantum computers due to various reasons such as: 

Addressing complex challenges

The first and foremost reason why scientists are getting behind in developing quantum computing is to find a faster way to address some of the most complex problems in today’s world such as cybersecurity issues, optimization problems, stock profile management, problems of aerospace, molecular study, creating simulations, etc.

There have been many instances where the existing computational technology struggled with doing these tasks efficiently and promptly. Especially in the time of the COVID-19 health crisis, even some of the most decorated supercomputers were not adequate to model and deactivate a single protein in less time. So, you can imagine how the computational powers of quantum computing can advance the research happening in the medical industry.

Machine Learning

Machine learning is the process of analyzing large data sets to make predictions based on historical patterns. While there is a lot of research happening in this field, the physical limits of the hardware used in classical computers are standing as a hindrance to achieving more efficient machine learning.

However, the adoption of quantum computers can make significant changes in machine learning. This can enhance various sectors including financial analysis, stock markets, optimization, biochemistry, molecular simulation, and more.

Commercial Potential

Since quantum computing can process more data at a time, it can work more energy-efficiently than classical computers. This means that the companies can cut costs they would’ve spent on electricity otherwise.

Additionally, quantum computers can find solutions to many problems we face today finding commercially viable solutions to pest control, pharmaceutical developments, and more. This is one of the reasons why various tech companies are trying to win the quantum computing race.

Solving Non-Linear Problems

Modern computers are designed for tackling linear problems. They do sequential operations where one result sequentially changes the output of the other. While this method is ideal for solving linear math problems and equations, most of the problems of the world are non-linear.

In the real world, an output can be influenced by several factors simultaneously, some examples include predicting weather, optimizing traffic equilibrium, computing the probability of moon landing, etc. Quantum computers can handle such non-linear problems that cannot be well addressed with a classical computer.

Growing Amounts of Data

The amount of data generated at a given time in the world is growing significantly as we speak. With the inclusion of more and more IoT (Internet of Things) products, it is only expected to grow in the coming days. The existing computational technologies are prone to errors, dealing with such massive amounts of data.

This can affect the performance of the system and can make tasks more complicated and time-consuming. But quantum computers can make this scaling more possible since they can process and transmit large volumes of data. 

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What are the Existing Quantum Computers?

Estimates from February 14, 2024, suggest that there are around 150  to 200 quantum computers globally. Some of the well-known quantum computer projects include: 

  1. Google Quantum AI Lab: Sycamore 
  2. IBM: The IBM Quantum System One
  3. D-Wave Systems: D-Wave Quantum Annealing 
  4. IonQ: IonQ Harmony, IonQ Forte, and IonQ Aria
  5. Microsoft: Azure Quantum 
  6. Amazon: AWS Center for Quantum Computing

This is a small list of the existing quantum computer projects. Most of them are still in development and they are paving the way for a better future. Companies are building quantum capabilities in both hardware and software. While some offer enterprise-level solutions, some make it more affordable and accessible to non-quantum computing experts.


Computers that use quantum mechanics principles for storing and processing data are called quantum computers. This emerging technology is being developed because of its superiority over classical computers in solving huge problems.

Its scalability, commercial uses, ability to solve non-linear problems, enhance optimization, simulation, and more. In this article, we have discussed what quantum computing is, its importance, and some of the popular quantum computing projects. 

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