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Google Takes Search Mobile

The new Google search tool for phones is mobile-provider agnostic. Any mobile user whose device includes a Web browser can access the Google main site to use the Mobile Google tools, including the new Mobile Web Search.

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Google has rolled out a beta version of a search tool specifically designed for mobile phones . For some time, the company has had a portal through which wireless  phone users can access the mammoth search engine.

Now, though, users can choose to receive in their results list only those sites that have versions specifically formatted for the small screens of mobile handsets.

The tool is mobile-provider agnostic. Any mobile user whose device includes a Web browser can access the Google main site to use the Mobile Google tools, including the new Mobile Web Search.

Browser Takes Command

More mobile phone handsets are being introduced with Web browser software as a standard feature, said Yankee Group’s X.J. Wang. In fact, the browser is quickly becoming the most important way that callers use their phones, he noted.

That is, the browser is the most important user interface on wireless phone handsets, next to the address book feature of the phone itself.

Thus, more and more mobile phone users will be wanting access to their favorite Web sites via their tiny-screened phones.

Site designers are rushing to meet that demand by building mobile-friendly versions of the sites that sit alongside the more full-featured versions that users can access from desktop computers.

Two Choices

With the new tool, users have two choices when conducting a search on Google from their wireless phones. First, one must surf to the Google site and enter a search in the query box.

Then, users must check one of the radio buttons; they include options for “Web” and “Mobile Web.”

The “Web” button will return a standard list of Google results — those that one would see on a desktop computer screen. The “Mobile Web” button will return only those sites that have pages specifically designed for mobile phone handsets.

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